Mobile marketing will soon blow most other marketing methods out
of the water, it’s time to for you to get in on the at the beginning of this growing and red hot opportunity.
Right now, VERY few marketers are using this method however, that is changing daily. It’s the ideal time to get started with converting your prospects, customers and clients into informed VIP’s using mobile marketing methods. At this point you have very little competition, but as I‘ve said that is changing very quickly. Although I‘m seeing more and more of those funny little squares (QR Codes), your local market is wide open to you to be one of the very first to educate the public about QR Codes and the benefits of associated with them!
I encourage you to get start right away, QR Codes are easy to get done and you can implement them into marketing such as business cards, print ads, POP (point of purchase) and 100’s of other uses. All while the competition is still very low. You can build your business very quickly, using a marketing method that other marketers aren’t even thinking of using yet. The innovator usefully ends up be the leader. Many national and worldwide businesses have already jumped on the band wagon, but you can move into the “local” market easily.
Education is key. You must educate your prospects, customers and clients as to how QR Codes work, how easy they are once they know what to do. One of the big downfalls I’m seeing with this technology is lack of directions and education, people just don’t know what QR Codes and what they are for. You can fix that and become the “one” that showed them the light. This will put you miles ahead of your competitors!
I’ve put together a nifty little package of information on “Unlocking the QR Code Mystery” it explains how you can easily use QR Codes in your business, what they are and how to make them. Plus I give you over 100 ideas for places that QR Codes can be used in your marketing of your business. For more info about Unlocking the QR Code Mystery visit: http://theprexpert.com/qr_mystery